This blog was started as a journey in my training for a 60 mile walk in memory of my Mom! This blog continues on in my attempt to change my lifestyle & addiction to food through weight loss, diet, and exercise.....ONE STEP AT A TIME!

Monday, May 31, 2010

I did it....I went walking!

The turtle we saw on our walk.
My girls loved the walk too!
Sarah, just chillin!
Lillie is relaxing!
We had fun!!!!
Well, I finally went walking.  I loaded the girls in the stroller and just started.  We walked for about an hour.  I don't know how far it was but I will get in the car tomorrow and see.  We even got chased by a dog....and i dislike strange dogs!!!!!  I am ready to go again!

I know! I know what I said on the last post....and it didn't happen.  A lot of things didn't happen.  I haven't walked once in the last week.  It is just walking but why is it so hard to do???  I did lose over two pounds last week but I may gain them back this week.  I know I am just making excuses but now that school is out, it should be easier.  I start work at the Y Wednesday.  I will be working the fitness floor showing people how to use the equipment.  Then I go out of town on Thursday.  We will be going to a wedding in Texas.  Anyway...I am going to try to walk this evening pushing the girls in the stroller.  Hopefully it is not too hot....for them and not for me.  I can take it being hot. 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I have got to get serious, NOW!

I know....I haven't walked any in the past couple of days.  It is hard with two small kids.  I feel guilty being away from them after working all day.  I can't use that as an excuse because one of my teammates has two young kids and she is walking way more than I am.  Once school is out on Tuesday, it will get easier.  I will be working at the Y on M, W, and F.  I want to keep the girls home from daycare on T and Th.  I have to pay for daycare even if they don't go to hold their spot.  I also don't want them to totally get out of their routine because it would be hard to start back up in Aug.  Lillie is a routine person!  Anyway.....

I said in an earlier post (or at least I think I did...if it is) that myself and two other teachers are meeting with a personal trainer from the Y.  She is kicking our butt!  We meet with her on M and Th.  When we left Thursday, she asked us to write down everything that we put into our mouth.  I have to say I started out really well but I didn't end up that well.  See, when I get angry or have any stress, I eat!  Well let's just say that she doesn't want to see what all I ate.  So, I am saying it now....I will be writing everything that I eat on a daily post here.  That way it will be real and hopefully more than just myself will see it.  Whoever sees it can help me hold myself accountable for my actions.  I want to lose weight over the summer.  I would love to be under 200 pounds.  I haven't been under 200 pounds in a long time.  I don't care if people know what I weigh.  Maybe it will make me feel bad enough to lose the weight. 

Well, I guess I better go for now.  I will have a food entry tomorrow night for the first day....let's see how bad it is.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Well.....I didn't do any walking today......I did back to back spin classes!  That was a total of 2 hours!  Needless to say my legs were like jello.  I know.....they are going to feel worse when I do this walk but it is worth it.  Anyway, we are going to Pensacola tonight and I figured I would walk around the mall, etc....  Once school is out next week it is going to be easier for me to walk.  I just have to figure out a doable schedule when school starts back up in August.  I guess that is it for now!  "Ta-Ta" for now!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Another 2 miles!

Well, I got to the Y a little after 4:00.  I got two miles under my belt.  I walked on the inside track.  It was much better than walking on the treadmill.  To me....the treadmill is so boring especially when you forget your IPod!.  When I got done, I started talking and it was time for spin!  I didn't finish my third mile.  Spin didn't start until almost 5:45.  We had a sub.  I had to leave at 6:15.  I don't know why, but spin was tough tonight.  Anyway.....I need to get my rear in gear!  I have to start walking more.....ONE STEP AT A TIME!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I cannot do this.  I did not go to the gym today.  You know what I did instead:  went to Cici's!  I have to stop doing this.  If I continue at this rate, I won't even finish 10-15 miles.  My mother wouldn't have quit!  I need to just put the girl's in the stroller and start walking.  Again, I have come to the conclusion that I DISLIKE the treadmill.  It is so boring!  Anyway....I am doing Spin Class tomorrow.  I will try and get to the gym to walk before spin class.  Aaron is off tomorrow, he can go walking with me. 
Next time I log in here, I will be logging in some miles too!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Need more energy!

Or should I say....way out of shape!  I had another weight training class tonight w/ Ashley.  My cohorts (Marilyn and Kathy) and I were whooped tonight.  I then tried to walk some miles.....I didn't make it.  I feel guilty to not being home with my kiddos after working all day:(  I have come to the conclusion that I do not like the treadmill.  I think I am going to put the girls in the stroller and walk around the neighborhood!  Sounds good to me!!!  I need to get some more miles in......I know I can do it.....ONE STEP AT A TIME!  Good night all!


Sunday, May 16, 2010

I am starting this blog as a way to express myself during my journey.  What is the journey you ask?  I am a Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk participant.  I will be walking 60 miles in 3 days in Atlanta, GA on Oct. 22-24! 
"Why would you do something crazy like that?"  My response....."With everything that my mom went through when she was diagnosed, fighting, and eventually lost her battle with breast is the least I can do." 
So, please help me in my journey and donate anything you can.  Here is the link:  Donate to Susan Russell to help her reach her goal for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for a Cure in Atlanta on Oct. 22-24!.

Please pass this on to anyone & everyone you know!  Have a GREAT Sunday and God Bless You!