I know....I haven't walked any in the past couple of days. It is hard with two small kids. I feel guilty being away from them after working all day. I can't use that as an excuse because one of my teammates has two young kids and she is walking way more than I am. Once school is out on Tuesday, it will get easier. I will be working at the Y on M, W, and F. I want to keep the girls home from daycare on T and Th. I have to pay for daycare even if they don't go to hold their spot. I also don't want them to totally get out of their routine because it would be hard to start back up in Aug. Lillie is a routine person! Anyway.....
I said in an earlier post (or at least I think I did...if not....here it is) that myself and two other teachers are meeting with a personal trainer from the Y. She is kicking our butt! We meet with her on M and Th. When we left Thursday, she asked us to write down everything that we put into our mouth. I have to say I started out really well but I didn't end up that well. See, when I get angry or have any stress, I eat! Well let's just say that she doesn't want to see what all I ate. So, I am saying it now....I will be writing everything that I eat on a daily post here. That way it will be real and hopefully more than just myself will see it. Whoever sees it can help me hold myself accountable for my actions. I want to lose weight over the summer. I would love to be under 200 pounds. I haven't been under 200 pounds in a long time. I don't care if people know what I weigh. Maybe it will make me feel bad enough to lose the weight.
Well, I guess I better go for now. I will have a food entry tomorrow night for the first day....let's see how bad it is.